Anfiteatro Arena di Verona

Type: Research contract between the Municipality of Verona and Politecnico di Milano

The objective of this project was the maintenance of the cavea of the amphitheatre through the restoration of the mortar joints.

The diagnostic project included a survey of the draining systems, an analysis of the water infiltrations and a thermographic mapping of the water leakage through vaults and masonry structures.

The results of this research, along with a study of the effects of the traditional practice of adding some metallic materials to the plaster, were used to investigate and develop the most appropriate materials and mixtures for case-sepcific interventions.


Il caso dell’oratorio di Santo Stefano a Lentate sul Seveso (Milano)

Davide Del Curto, Carlo Manfredi, Gianfranco Pertot, Valeria Pracchi, Elisabetta Rosina, Luca Valisi, Diagnostica, intervento e monitoraggio: il caso dell’oratorio di Santo Stefano a Lentate sul Seveso (Milano), in Conservation préventive: Pratique dans le domaine du patrimoine bâti, Actes du colloque international et assemblèe generale SCR/SKR 2009, 3-4 septembre 2009 – pp. 62-69

ISBN: 978-3-033-02088-7

La prova resistografica per l’analisi e la diagnostica di strutture lignee in opera

Davide Del Curto, Juri Badalini, Stefano Barbò, La prova resistografica per l’analisi e la diagnostica di strutture lignee in opera: letteratura, normativa, applicazioni sul costruito storico, in Atti del XXV convegno internazionale “Scienza e Beni Culturali” – Conservare e restaurare il legno, conoscenze, esperienze, prospettive, Bressanone 23 – 26 giugno 2009, pp. 401 – 414

Gas-lighting in Italy during 1800s

Davide Del Curto, Angelo Landi, Gas-lighting in Italy during 1800s. Urban plants and monuments devices between construction history and questions of safeguard, in Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Brandeburg University of Technology, Cottbus (Germany) 20th – 24th may 2009, pp. 465-472

Diffusion of a technological model along the Adige path: the composite beams

Juri Badalini, Silvia Dandria, Diffusion of a technological model along the Adige path: the composite beams, in Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Brandeburg University of Technology, Cottbus (Germany) 20th – 24th may 2009, pp. 75-82

Un restauro a Milano a fianco del Duomo. Le facciate dei magazzini laRinascente

Davide Del Curto, Andrea Griletto, Un restauro a Milano a fianco del Duomo. Le facciate dei magazzini laRinascente, in Ananke n°56 – gennaio 2009, Firenze Alinea Editrice, pp. 138-149

San Martino, Mantova


  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Thermographic Analysis
  • Psychrometric analysis
  • Quantitative determination of water in masonry