Castello di Trostburg, Waidbruck – Ponte Gardena, Bolzano


Type: Research contract between Sudtiroler Burgeninstitut and Politecnico di Milano

Trostburg Castle, in Tyrol, presented increasing structural problems requiring a careful investigation. Cracks have been monitored in the long-term to investigate if structural damages could be influenced by the construction of highway tunnels just nearby thecastle foundations. Collected data were discussed and compared from different perspectives,  in order to evaluate limits and possibilities of several proposed methods of building analysis.

The research used was the Raumbuch system, which identifies a method of analysis and management of complex monumental buildings derived from the traditional inventories and developed in German-speaking countries during the 1990s. This method consists of the progressive division and codification of an architectural complex in smaller and smaller sections that can be identified by type and construction history:single buildings, rooms, floors, ceilings and walls. The data are then collected in the form of a “book of rooms” which considers any single room as its basic unit.


Oratorio di San Martino – Molini di Triora (IM)

Tesi di laurea specialistica a.a. 2005-2006

Analisi e conservazione dell’Oratorio di San Martino – Frazione di Andagna – Comune di Molini di Triora (IM)

Katia De Tomasi – Barbara Ligari

Rel. Prof. Alberto Grimoldi – Correl. Prof.ssa Giacinta Jean, Dr. Arch. Davide Del Curto, Prof. Lorenzo Jurina