Rocca di Spilamberto, Modena

  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Thermographic Analysis
  • Psychrometric analysis
  • Quantitative determination of water in masonry


Santa Maria di Senzago, Salò, Brescia

  • Stratigraphic analysis
  • Plaster characterization
  • Analysis of the decays
  • Consultancy to the restoration project


Dalla Trostburg a Mantova. Applicazione del Raumbuch per lo studio di complessi architettonici

Davide Del Curto, Das Raumbuch zwischen Bauforschung und Schadenskartierung: Zeiträume und Ursachen für Schäden von Burg Trostburg bei Waidbruck bis Mantua – (Dalla Trostburg a Mantova. Applicazione del Raumbuch per lo studio di complessi architettonici), Convegno internazionale Naturwissenschaft und Denkmalpflege, Materialkundliche und interdisziplinäreUntersuchungen an ausgewählten Baudenkmälern als Schlüsselbeispiele zur optimierenden Planung von Erhaltungsmaßnahmen, Innsbruck 22 – 23 marzo 2007

Gas-light in Italy between 1700’s and 1800’s

Davide Del Curto, Angelo Landi, Gas-light in Italy between 1700’s and 1800’s. A case-study for a History of Lighting, presentato al CES-Network International Conference Energy and Culture, Esbjerg (Danimarca), 7 – 8 febbraio 2007

Esempi di conservazione e trattamento di pavimenti storici in edifici religiosi

Davide Del Curto, Teresa Ferreira, Esempi di conservazione e trattamento di pavimenti storici in edifici religiosi. Soluzione del problema dell’umidità attraverso il drenaggio e la ventilazione, atti del XXII convegno internazionale Scienza e Beni Culturali – Pavimentazioni storiche, Uso e conservazione, Bressanone 11 – 14 luglio 2006, pp. 535 – 54

Origini e alterne fortune dell’ipocausto, il Pavimento Caldo

Davide Del Curto, Carlo Manfredi, Origini e alterne fortune dell’ipocausto, il Pavimento Caldo, atti del XXII convegno Scienza e Beni Culturali – Pavimentazioni storiche, Uso e conservazione, Bressanone 11 – 14 luglio 2006, pp. 363 – 372

La naissance du sanatorium en Europe – Un regard d’Italie

Davide Del Curto, La naissance du sanatorium en Europe – Un regard d’Italie, atti del II convegno internazionale “Les Quinze Glorieuseus de l’architecture sanatoriale”, Passy 22 – 25 giugno 2006, pp. 44 – 50

Palazzo del Podestà, Mantova


    In 2005 Palazzo del Podestà was suggested to become the seat of a part of the Municipal Administration. Politecnico di Milano was asked to collaborate with the Town Council of Mantova in order to carry out a research on the real situation of the palaces: that is, an analysis of its functions, limits and peculiarities.

    In this study we will try to focus the attention on the problem of the static decay of the building, which required a proper and multidisciplinary investigation into the study of the Palaces. The Problem of Decays In the history of the palace the numberless additions, reconstructions and adaptations involved many changes in the arrangement of the buildings.

    The method of study this research has been carried out in three phases: at first a phase of historical research, then a second phase of analysis of the causes of the decay in situ; at last all the data which had been gathered from the previous phases were compared one with the other.

    for more information visit:

    The Complexity and the Logic Behind Historical Buildings: the Case-Study of Palazzo del Podestà in Mantova, Italy


  • Analysis of the decays
  • General description of the cracks
  • Thermographic analysis
  • wooden description and analysis

Castello di Trostburg, Waidbruck – Ponte Gardena, Bolzano


Type: Research contract between Sudtiroler Burgeninstitut and Politecnico di Milano

Trostburg Castle, in Tyrol, presented increasing structural problems requiring a careful investigation. Cracks have been monitored in the long-term to investigate if structural damages could be influenced by the construction of highway tunnels just nearby thecastle foundations. Collected data were discussed and compared from different perspectives,  in order to evaluate limits and possibilities of several proposed methods of building analysis.

The research used was the Raumbuch system, which identifies a method of analysis and management of complex monumental buildings derived from the traditional inventories and developed in German-speaking countries during the 1990s. This method consists of the progressive division and codification of an architectural complex in smaller and smaller sections that can be identified by type and construction history:single buildings, rooms, floors, ceilings and walls. The data are then collected in the form of a “book of rooms” which considers any single room as its basic unit.


Lo smaltimento delle acque nell’Arena di Verona

Tesi di laurea specialistica a.a. 2005-2006

Lo smaltimento delle acque nell’Arena di Verona: rilievo del degrado e premesse per la diagnostica

Livia Salviati – Samantha Taeggi – Lorenza Tasselli

Rel. Prof. Alberto Grimoldi
Correl. Dr. Arch. Davide Del Curto