termoigrometrico – LADC http://www.diagnosticacostruito.polimi.it Laboratorio Analisi e Diagnostica del Costruito Fri, 30 Nov 2018 11:16:13 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.5.28 Palazzo Pallavicino, Cremona http://www.diagnosticacostruito.polimi.it/past-projects/current-projects/palazzo-pallavicino-cremona/ Wed, 23 May 2012 10:50:46 +0000 http://www.diagnosticacostruito.polimi.it/?p=1173 Type: Research contract between the Municipality of Cremona and Politecnico di Milano.

The ongoing project aims to evaluate a Temperierung system placed in Palazzo Pallavicino Ariguzzi in Cremona, a Palace built between 14th and 19th century. Data gathered through the monitoring of the indoor climate are coupled and compared with … continua ]]> 02 DC_4168 pallavicino 05 pallavicino 04 pallavicino 03 galleria-psicro pallavicino aula-magna-psicro pallavicino 06 pallavicino 07 pallavicino 08 pallavicino 09 pallavicino 02 pallavicino 01 01 03

Type: Research contract between the Municipality of Cremona and Politecnico di Milano.

The ongoing project aims to evaluate a Temperierung system placed in Palazzo Pallavicino Ariguzzi in Cremona, a Palace built between 14th and 19th century. Data gathered through the monitoring of the indoor climate are coupled and compared with more specific type of analyses, such as thermography and psychrometric mapping.

Temperierung consists in the installation of pipes circulating hot water (40-60°C) below the surface of the wall, forming a heated band at man-height.


  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Mapping of T and RH and MR distribution in interiors
  • Thermographic Analysis

