Palazzo Pallavicino, Cremona

Type: Research contract between the Municipality of Cremona and Politecnico di Milano.

The ongoing project aims to evaluate a Temperierung system placed in Palazzo Pallavicino Ariguzzi in Cremona, a Palace built between 14th and 19th century. Data gathered through the monitoring of the indoor climate are coupled and compared with more specific type of analyses, such as thermography and psychrometric mapping.

Temperierung consists in the installation of pipes circulating hot water (40-60°C) below the surface of the wall, forming a heated band at man-height.


  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Mapping of T and RH and MR distribution in interiors
  • Thermographic Analysis


Villa Reale, Milano

Research contract between the Municipality of Milan and Politecnico di Milano

The building nowadays known as Villa Reale and housing the Gallery of Modern Art of Milan (GAM) was built at the end of the 18th century. A multidisiciplinary surveying strategy was designed to analyse the indoor climate of Villa Reale, coupling diagnostics and historical research. The on-site measurements of the hygrothermal parameters have been performed as recommended by the Italian standard UNI 10829:1999 providing two types of analysis: 1) Spot monitoring, Psychrometrics and Thermographic analysis. 2) Continuum monitoring of T (°C) and RH (%).


Oratorio di Santo Stefano, Lentate sul Seveso, Milano

Type: Research contract between the Municipality of Lentate sul Seveso and Politecnico di Milano

This project aims to evaluate a Temperierung system placed in Oratorio di Santo Stefano, a 14th-century frescoed chapel. The research methodology has included different tyoes of noninvasive techniques: Psychrometrics and Thermographic analysis and continuum monitoring of T (°C) and RH (%).



San Martino, Mantova


  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Thermographic Analysis
  • Psychrometric analysis
  • Quantitative determination of water in masonry

Rocca di Spilamberto, Modena

  • Microclimate monitoring
  • Thermographic Analysis
  • Psychrometric analysis
  • Quantitative determination of water in masonry


Santa Maria di Senzago, Salò, Brescia

  • Stratigraphic analysis
  • Plaster characterization
  • Analysis of the decays
  • Consultancy to the restoration project